
[Docker] How to change driver to keep using lxc?

트래이닝맨 2014. 8. 17. 14:27

From Docker v0.9, libcontainer become default driver to control cgroups,selinux and so on instead of LXC. This official docket team blog announced this change. However, it is not mature yet compared to LXC aspect of networking. Moreover, some feature which was used is not supported by libcontainer. That's why Docker team still supports LXC driver and they say " we continue to support the LXC driver going forward. "

To switch back to the LXC driver, simply restart the Docker daemon with docker -d -e lxc.

 # vi /etc/sysconfig/docker (or vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service)
other_args="--selinux-enabled -e lxc -b none"



ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker -d --selinux-enabled -e lxc -b none -H fd://


When you change it to lxc as a default driver and try to use "--n=false" with docker run command, you might see " --n is deprecated". I am not sure it is also changed to another option but I assume it is "--net". However, it is not quitely same as the option.

In addition, if you use "--net=false" with "-h", you also might encounter " conflict issue: --net and -h can not use together". This is a bug and it is fixed in latest version "v1.1.2"
