이제 관심밖의 IT 기술/JBoss

[Review] Wildfly Performance Tuning

트래이닝맨 2014. 7. 28. 16:54



Last week, I have a chance to review this book "Wildfly Performance Tuning".

First of all, I am surprised that the performance book for wildfly is published earlier than expected. wildfly is quite new and moreover, undertow is almost new face even for REDHAT engineers and developer. However, this book also talk about undertow so I believe this book would be only book discuss performance of it.

By the way, this book spends almost 3 chapters to explain "What performance is" so it would be a good chance for who start to be interested in performce of WAS to understand it.

The most interested point from this book is "thread pool tuning" in chapter 4 because documents about each thread pool executor are not sufficient even though wildfly uses thread pool around area after jboss 7. The chapter distinctly elaborator the flow how to handle requests for each thread pool executor. From my point of view, now we know a higher skill for better throughput using proper executor. ^^

Now, we have essential books to choose wildfly for production WAS :  Basic configuration, HA, Tuning. Therefore, I suppose wildfly will be taken by many companies.
