Casual vs Business 회화의 차이
[ KOR ]
당신이 준 정보를 가지고 견적을 낼게요. 대략적인 견적이 되겠지만 얼마가 들지 대충 감은 올거예요. 그 가격이 너무 높다 싶으면 다른 방법을 찾아볼 수 있을거 같고요, 그런게 아니면 누군가를 보내서 더 자세히 살펴보고 정확한 비용을 결정짓고 나면 최종 결정을 하시면 됩니다.
[ ENG - Casual ]
I’ll come up with an initial cost estimate from the information that you’ve given me. It’ll be a rough estimate but it should give you an idea of about how much you’ll be spending. If you feel that it’s too much, we can look for another way. Otherwise, we’ll send someone to take a closer look and determine the exact cost. Then, you can make your final decision.
[ ENG - Formal ]
I’ll come up with an initial cost estimate based on the information that you’ve provided. It’ll be a rough estimate but it should give you an idea of what to expect. If you have any reservations at that point, we can discuss other options.Otherwise, we’ll send someone for a closer inspection and determine the exact cost, after which you can make your final decision.